13062904会場都合で久々の土曜日開催となった6月29日の練習会は、こべかく本体8名と出稽古3名の計11名の参加と見学が1名でした 土曜日開催なので、いつもより若干人数は少な目といったところでしょうか なお新人さんは1名。セイヤさんは、格闘技は初心者とのことです

次回の練習会は、日曜日開催に戻り、7月7日日曜日19:00(午後7時)から、神戸市立王子スポーツセンター体育館2階にある柔道場にて開催です 先に言いましたが、参加できるという方は、いきなりの参加もOKですが、事前にブログのコメント欄かメールで参加表明をできるだけしてください
The practice meeting of KFN(Kobe Fighting Network) on June 29th, 11 people participated (8 KFN members and 3 guests) and 1 people was as visitors.  It was practice on Saturday, participants were less little. A new member was "Seiya-san" who is a beginner of martial arts.

The next meeting is at 7:00 pm Saturday, July 7th, and will be held at Kobe City Oji Sports Center Judo Hall. Who plan to attend the next exercise, although it is OK to participate without notice, please RSVP to the comment field of this blog or e-mail to executive office of KFN, if possible. Because there is that practice content changes by expression of participation in advance, if you can join, you might be able better to the announced its participation as much as possible, want to do you.
On account of the hall, there is no practice meeting of 30th June. Please note!!! Thank you.